What Is the Best Time to Post on Instagram in 2024?

What Is The Best Time To Post On Instagram In 2024?

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You've created the perfect Instagram post - visually stunning, witty, and engaging. But before you hit that share button, there's one crucial question to consider: when will it land with the biggest impact? Because timing is everything on Instagram. Posting at the right hour can be the difference between your content getting buried in the feed or exploding with engagement.

So, worry no more, fellow content creators! This blog is your guide to cracking the code of Instagram's algorithm in 2024. We'll reveal the best times to post, explore some surprising trends, and equip you with the knowledge to maximize your reach and get those likes and comments rolling in.

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world, with a large user base. Here are some interesting facts about Instagram's global user base:

  1. Monthly active users: Instagram has over 2 billion monthly active users worldwide.
  2. Global reach: Instagram is the 4th most popular social network globally, with 35.71% of the world’s 5.6 billion mobile users accessing the app monthly.
  3. User demographics: The countries with the most Instagram users are India (358.55 million), the United States (158.45 million), Brazil (122.9 million), Indonesia (104.8 million), and Turkey (56.7 million).
  4. Growth rate: Instagram has seen a consistent growth rate of over 70 million new users every year since 2020.
  5. User engagement: On average, Instagram users spend around 29.7 minutes per day on the app, with the best time to post being between 8:00 am and 1:00 pm.
  6. User age: 71% of people aged 18-29 have active Instagram accounts, 48% of people aged 30-49, 29% of people aged 50-64, and 13% of people aged 65+.
  7. User education: 33% of people educated at high school or less use Instagram, 37% of people educated at the college level, and 43% of people educated at more than college-level.

Before we explore the best times to post on Instagram, let's understand the Instagram algorithm. Here's what you need to know:

Understanding Instagram's Algorithm

Instagram's algorithm is a complex system that determines the order and visibility of posts in a user's feed. The algorithm is constantly evolving, but here are some key factors that influence your post's visibility:

  1. Engagement: Posts with high engagement (likes, comments, saves, and shares) are more likely to appear in the feed.
  2. Relevance: Instagram prioritizes content that is relevant to the user's interests and interactions.
  3. Relationships: Posts from accounts that a user interacts with regularly are more likely to appear in the feed.
  4. Timing: Posting at the right time can increase your reach and engagement.
  5. Content type: Instagram prioritizes content that is visually appealing and engaging, such as videos and Stories.
  6. User behavior: Instagram takes into account a user's behavior, such as how long they spend on the app and what features they use.

Now that we've covered the basics of Instagram's algorithm, let's explore the best times to post on Instagram and uncover some surprising trends to help you stay ahead of the game!

Best Times to Post on Instagram in 2024

Based on recent studies and Instagram's algorithm, here are the best times to post on Instagram in 2024:

1. Lunch Break (12 pm - 1 pm EST): Capture the attention of users during their lunch break, when they're scrolling through their feeds.

2. After Work (5 pm - 6 pm EST): Reach users as they unwind after work, looking for entertainment and relaxation.

3. Prime Time (7 pm - 9 pm EST): Capitalize on the evening hours when users are most active, engaging with content and browsing their feeds.

4. Weekends (Saturday and Sunday): Take advantage of the relaxed weekend atmosphere, when users have more time to engage with content.

Day-by-Day Breakdown


Recommended Times


7 AM - 9 AM OR 11 AM - 2 PM


7 AM - 10 AM OR 10 AM - 4 PM


7 AM - 9 AM OR 11 AM - 4 PM


7 AM - 1 PM OR 2 PM - 5 PM


9 AM - 10 AM OR 4 PM - 6 PM


8 AM - 12 PM


10 AM - 2 PM OR 7 PM



  1. 7 AM - 9 AM: Catches people checking phones before work.
  2. 11 AM - 2 PM: Targets lunch breaks or workday downtime.


  1. 7 AM - 10 AM: Catches pre-work scrollers and those on commutes.
  2. 10 AM - 4 PM: Targets workday activity.


  1. 7 AM - 9 AM: Catches morning scrollers.
  2. 11 AM - 4 PM: Targets workday activity.


  1. 7 AM - 1 PM: Catches morning and lunch break activity.
  2. 2 PM - 5 PM: Targets pre-weekend scrollers.


  1. 9 AM - 10 AM: Catches those still working.
  2. 4 PM - 6 PM: Catches people winding down from work.


  1. 8 AM - 12 PM: Targets mid-morning browsing.


  1. 10 AM - 2 PM: Catches those out and about.
  2. 7 PM: Catches people winding down in the evening.


  1. These are general recommendations, and the best times for you will depend on your specific audience. Use Instagram Insights to see when your followers are most active.
  2. Experiment with different posting times and track your results to see what works best for you.
  3. High-quality, engaging content is always important, regardless of when you post.

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of reaching your target audience and getting more engagement on your Instagram posts.


Posting at the right time on Instagram can significantly impact your online success. By understanding Instagram's algorithm and using the best times to post, you'll increase engagement, reach, and ultimately, grow your online presence. Remember to stay consistent, consider time zones, experiment with different times, and prioritize content quality. Happy posting!

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